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From Dan Shearer CV
Revision as of 22:52, 15 February 2023 by Dan (talk | contribs) (Remove repeated words)

Hello! I am Dan Shearer and this is my CV website.

My classical CV PDF has the usual brief introduction and career highlights.

For more details, I have organised the work I love the most in two ways:

A List of topics, sorted by the headings such as "Open Source Software", or "Privacy"
A Category View of topics organised by tags, where each piece of work has several tags such as "Time-shifting" or "Privacy". I'm not actually sure if this is useful, but it looks nifty.

Right now in 2023 I am focussing on the LumoSQL and Sweet Lies projects, with occasional investment analysis and cybersecurity contracting.

Thanks for looking, and I welcome any feedback.
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