Category:Time Shifting

From Dan Shearer CV
(Redirected from Category:Time tricks)

This is one of my favourite topics in computing, law and creative storytelling. While time travel is only possible in one direction, practical simulations and approximations of time travel are really handy and quite common.

The illusion of time reversibility is particularly useful, whether by checkpointing (as used in computing, biology, law etc) or other means, particularly when the system being reversed is otherwise irreversible. There is also reversibility associated with physical processes such as freezing and thawing chemicals and organisms, which has occasionally overlapped with my other work.


Pages in category ‘Time Shifting’

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.

Media in category ‘Time Shifting’

The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total.